Mouser Electronics, a leading global distributor of electronic components, has released the latest episode of its “Empowering Innovation Together” (EIT) technology series. This installment focuses on the integration of renewable energy into smart grid systems, underscoring the pivotal roles of AI and 5G in driving more sustainable and efficient energy management.

As the global energy landscape shifts towards greener and smarter solutions, smart grid technology is emerging as a crucial element in the effort to create resilient, sustainable energy systems. By incorporating renewable energy sources and advanced technologies, smart grids promise to revolutionise the way electricity is distributed and consumed.

Mouser’s new series highlights how smart grids enhance power usage monitoring and energy distribution by enabling two-way communication between energy providers and consumers. This decentralised system allows electricity to be reintroduced from multiple renewable sources back into the grid, improving energy efficiency and stability. With projections suggesting that smart grids will power the charging infrastructure for up to 50% of all passenger vehicles, this technology is becoming increasingly vital in addressing the growing energy demands of both consumers and industries.

The latest EIT content delves into the hardware and software needed for smart grids, alongside the challenges and opportunities they present. Engineers and industry professionals will gain insight into the market potential for smart grid systems, as well as the benefits and complexities of transitioning to such a system.

A key component of this series is the podcast “The Tech Between Us,” hosted by Mouser’s Director of Technical Content, Raymond Yin. In the latest episodes, Yin speaks with Chris Irwin, Program Manager at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Electricity, discussing the role of IoT in smart grids and the steps required to ensure their reliability. Additionally, Del Stephens, Principal Technical Delivery Lead for Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) at Summit Human Capital, explores the role of electric vehicles in stabilising energy consumption within the grid.

Yin emphasised the transformative potential of smart grids: “The smart grid is not just an upgrade; it’s a revolution in energy management. By harnessing AI, 5G, and renewable energy, engineers are working on solutions that are set to redefine the future of power.”

In addition to the podcast, the EIT series offers a range of technical resources aimed at supporting engineers, including articles, use cases, infographics, and exclusive subscriber content. Since its launch in 2015, Mouser’s Empowering Innovation Together programme has been widely recognised as one of the most comprehensive electronic component resources in the industry.

Mouser is committed to providing engineers with the latest information and products to drive innovation. The company’s website features an extensive library of technical data, including product data sheets, reference designs, and engineering tools. With a focus on providing 100% certified genuine products, Mouser ensures that its customers can access the latest technology with full traceability from manufacturers.

For more information on Mouser’s latest technology series and to explore the future of smart grid technology, visit their Empowering Innovation Together hub at their website.
