Queequeg Renewables, a prominent UK-based renewable energy developer, has joined forces with Biodiverse Consulting, an environmental consultancy known for its expertise in biodiversity net gain (BNG), to bolster ecological benefits across renewable energy sites. The collaboration will focus on five solar and Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) projects across the UK, ensuring that each site not only meets but exceeds BNG targets.

This partnership comes as the UK’s Environment Act 2021, which mandates a minimum 10 percent BNG for all developments, was enforced in February 2024. The legislation requires that any new development affecting natural habitats must leave them in a measurably better condition post-construction.

Chris Binns, UK Planning Director at Queequeg Renewables, underscored the importance of this initiative, particularly in relation to solar farms. “Well-designed and managed solar farms offer a multitude of ecosystem benefits,” Binns stated. “They contribute to sustainable agriculture, regulate air quality, mitigate flood risks, create new habitats, and significantly reduce carbon emissions.”

Binns explained that solar panels, typically mounted on posts, cause minimal ground disturbance, affecting only about one to two percent of the total site area. This approach allows the remaining land to serve dual purposes, such as sheep grazing and enhancing local environments through wildflower meadows or re-wilding projects.

The ecological benefits of solar farms extend beyond the installation site itself. These projects can play a vital role in supporting plant and animal life in surrounding areas. Binns highlighted several key strategies employed by Queequeg to achieve this, including:

  • Establishing Wildflower Meadows and Grasslands: The spaces between solar panels provide ample opportunities to create habitats for pollinators, butterflies, and ground-nesting birds.
  • Hedgerow Preservation and Growth: Solar projects can help reverse the decline in hedgerows, a significant concern in UK countryside management, by preserving existing hedgerows and encouraging new growth.
  • Wetland Habitat Creation: On-site drainage and water management systems can be designed to support wetland habitats, reducing flood risk and promoting terrestrial and aquatic life through wetlands and ponds.

Biodiverse Consulting’s expertise is central to this mission. The consultancy works closely with Queequeg from the early stages of each project to assess the local flora and fauna. This allows for tailored solutions that maximise the ecological benefits of the sites.

Vicki Mordue, Founder and Director of Biodiverse Consulting emphasised the importance of integrating BNG into development planning. “Protecting habitats and encouraging biodiversity is now a legal obligation and should be at the forefront of any landowner or developer’s agenda,” she said. “Every development must consider BNG potential from the outset and incorporate measures that not only meet but exceed these requirements.”

Mordue further noted that Queequeg’s commitment to biodiversity is evident in their proactive approach. “Queequeg’s dedication to transforming each site into a thriving habitat for local species is commendable,” she remarked. “We are excited to support their efforts in promoting biodiversity across the UK’s solar projects.”

This collaboration between Queequeg Renewables and Biodiverse Consulting represents a significant step forward in aligning renewable energy development with ecological preservation, setting a benchmark for future projects in the UK.
