Infinium, a global pioneer in ultra-low carbon eFuels, has entered into a strategic partnership with Brookfield Asset Management to accelerate the growth of its sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) platform. This collaboration aims to bolster the production of next-generation sustainable fuels, including Infinium’s eSAF, which has the potential to reduce lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions by 90% or more compared to conventional fossil fuels.

Brookfield has committed over $200 million towards Infinium’s Project Roadrunner, currently under development in West Texas, with the potential for an additional $850 million for the expansion of Infinium’s eFuels projects worldwide. This investment, part of the first vintage of the Brookfield Global Transition Fund (BGTF I), represents Brookfield’s inaugural foray into sustainable aviation fuel. Brookfield will also lead Infinium’s Series C Preferred Stock offering.

Meeting the Growing Demand for SAF

Robert Schuetzle, CEO of Infinium, expressed his enthusiasm for the partnership, emphasising the importance of this capital infusion as Infinium scales up its production of sustainable aviation fuels. “Brookfield is a tremendous partner, and we are thrilled to secure this additional capital as we scale eSAF production to meet the overwhelming demand from the aviation industry,” Schuetzle stated. He highlighted Project Roadrunner’s role in significantly increasing the global supply of eFuels, building upon the success of Infinium’s earlier Project Pathfinder, which was the first to deliver commercial volumes of eFuels.

Infinium’s eSAF, along with other products such as eDiesel and eNaphtha, is produced using a proprietary process that combines water, waste carbon dioxide, and renewable energy to create ultra-low carbon fuels. These eFuels are “drop-in” replacements for fossil-based fuels, meaning they can be used without modification in existing infrastructure, such as planes, ships, trucks, and manufacturing processes.

Schuetzle also noted that the aviation industry is pushing hard for sustainable fuel alternatives as part of broader efforts to decarbonise, with Infinium remaining at the forefront of this transition. “As our airline partners continue to push for more SAF and decarbonisation options, Infinium remains committed to accelerating production to help meet those demands,” he added.

Strategic Industry Partnerships

Infinium recently secured a major agreement with American Airlines, in which the airline will purchase commercial volumes of eSAF from Project Roadrunner, starting in 2026. This deal will help American Airlines achieve its sustainability goals by decarbonising its fleet, while also ensuring a secure offtake for Project Roadrunner’s production.

Beyond aviation, Project Roadrunner will produce eNaphtha, which can be used in plastics manufacturing, and eDiesel, a low-carbon fuel suitable for long-haul trucking and maritime sectors—industries that are more challenging to electrify. Infinium is also progressing discussions for additional offtake contracts for these fuels, with further announcements expected in the near future.

Brookfield’s Role in Accelerating eFuel Production

Brookfield’s Managing Partner, Jehangir Vevaina, expressed the firm’s excitement about partnering with Infinium, calling it a “leader in the development and production of ultra-low carbon intensity drop-in fuel alternatives.” Vevaina also outlined how the investment is structured to help Infinium meet the growing demand for sustainable aviation fuels, while simultaneously delivering attractive risk-adjusted returns for Brookfield.

“Our investment is structured to provide the capital Infinium needs to accelerate the production of sustainable aviation fuels to meet the growing demand from corporate customers,” Vevaina said. He added that Brookfield looks forward to participating in the development of further eFuel projects through follow-on investments, noting the promising pipeline of projects that Infinium has already lined up.

Brookfield joins Breakthrough Energy Catalyst as a backer of Project Roadrunner. Breakthrough Energy Catalyst had previously committed $75 million to the project and has been a key player in supporting its progress. This coalition of investors highlights the confidence in Infinium’s potential to revolutionise the eFuels market.

Decarbonising the Global Supply Chain

Infinium’s CEO, Schuetzle, reinforced the urgent need for solutions like eSAF, particularly as the global supply chain grapples with the pressing challenge of decarbonisation. “The global supply chain is in desperate need of decarbonisation, and solutions like eSAF are the answer,” Schuetzle said, expressing optimism about the role eFuels will play in shaping a more sustainable future.

Infinium’s proprietary technology and strong investor support position it as a key player in the transition towards cleaner, more sustainable fuels, offering hope for industries that require high energy density fuels but are difficult to electrify.
