Wetlands, often described as the “kidneys of the earth” for their crucial role in filtering pollutants, trapping sediment, and mitigating flooding, are rapidly disappearing. Covering just six percent of the Earth’s surface, these vital ecosystems are vanishing three times faster than forests. According to the United Nations, 35% of global wetlands have been lost since 1970. In response to this urgent issue, Hikvision, a leading provider of AIoT technologies, has launched an innovative initiative aimed at preserving and restoring these critical environments.

Since 2022, Hikvision has collaborated with Fuheyuan National Wetland Park in China to implement a “smart wetland system.” This system harnesses advanced artificial intelligence and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to monitor and manage wetland ecosystems more effectively.

One of the key components of this smart system is its ability to enhance bird conservation efforts. By employing cutting-edge video perception technology, the system allows park staff to observe avian behaviour in real-time. At the park’s Command Center, a single click provides access to an intelligent bird species identification system, powered by sophisticated algorithms. This technology enables staff to gather detailed insights into bird populations and their interactions within the ecosystem, thereby supporting targeted conservation strategies and more informed ecological management.

In addition to its focus on avian monitoring, the system provides comprehensive environmental surveillance. Fuheyuan National Wetland Park is equipped with 11 water quality monitoring stations, which operate around the clock. These stations, integrated with Hikvision’s technology, track critical water parameters such as temperature, pH levels, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity. By continuously analysing these factors, the system helps detect any deviations from normal conditions, allowing for prompt intervention to maintain a healthy aquatic environment.

The technology also extends to air quality monitoring. An advanced real-time air quality station measures parameters including PM2.5 and PM10 levels, atmospheric temperature, humidity, pressure, negative oxygen ions, and wind speed. This comprehensive air quality data, combined with water quality assessments, enables park staff to make well-informed decisions to promote a healthier wetland ecosystem.

Navigating the vast expanse of Fuheyuan National Wetland Park, which spans over six million square meters, presents significant challenges. Traditional patrol methods are often inadequate for detecting damage or fires in such a large area. However, Hikvision’s technology offers a solution through visualised mapping. The system’s visual “smart map” enhances management efficiency by facilitating rapid detection of environmental threats, ensuring timely responses to potential issues.

Anthony Zhang, a spokesperson for Hikvision, emphasised the importance of this initiative: “Our partnership with Fuheyuan National Wetland Park represents a significant step forward in wetland conservation. By leveraging our advanced technologies, we are not only addressing the immediate challenges facing these ecosystems but also setting a precedent for future efforts to protect and restore wetlands worldwide.”

Hikvision’s smart wetland system exemplifies how technology can play a pivotal role in environmental conservation, offering hope for the preservation of one of Earth’s most crucial and endangered ecosystems.

For more information on Hikvision’s initiatives and technology, visit Hikvision’s website.
