The show Selling the City on Netflix features Jordyn Taylor Braff, who stands out. Her relationship with Trevor Noah and her work in high-end real estate have made her a media darling. His relationship with her, she said at one point, was both amusing and supportive. From 2015 till 2018, they were together.

Their split was amicable, according to Jordyn. Her first major real estate deal was facilitated by Trevor’s influence. He spent ten million dollars on an apartment in Manhattan. Jordyn said that this deal was the one that launched her into the luxury real estate industry.

NameJordyn Taylor Braff
ProfessionLuxury Real Estate Agent, Former Singer
Notable RelationshipTrevor Noah (2015–2018)
Career MilestoneFirst ultra-luxury deal facilitated by Trevor Noah’s property purchase
Current StatusCareer-focused; rumored to be single
Netflix SeriesSelling the City
PhilanthropyFounder of 12 Months of Giving
Social MediaInstagram
ReferenceMarie Claire Article

During her time writing Selling the City, she thought about their friendship. She was the funny one, Jordyn joked. She went on to say that Trevor had included her writings in his stand-up routines. Despite the breakup, Jordyn remained in New York City because of her love for the city.

Keeping her private life under wraps has been Jordyn’s policy since 2018. There are indications on social media that she might not be in a relationship. Her posts highlight her accomplishments and work. Jordyn has not publicly announced a new relationship, but her fans are wondering if she is dating anyone.

In 2016, Jordyn began her career in real estate. At Douglas Elliman, she manages homes worth millions of dollars. Her work ethic is based on her experience as a performer and singer. Jordyn attributes her success to the relationships she has in the industry.

Jordyn tried her hand at music before she got into real estate. On MySpace, her tracks became popular. She went on to have a prosperous career in Japan after signing with Interscope Records. Her career trajectory is marked by her adaptability.

Another thing Jordyn is is a generous giver. Twelve Months of Giving was established by her in 2019. Global causes are supported by the project. She supports low-income families as an advocate for Room to Grow. In doing so, she is staying true to her principles and advancing herself.

Her charisma and skill are on full display in her role on Selling the City. With her charisma and wit, Jordyn negotiates high-stakes deals. Her rise to the top of the luxury real estate sector and her remarkable resilience are showcased on the episode.

Supporters appreciate her candor regarding difficulties in the past. As a musician and real estate agent, Jordyn has been an inspiration to many. She attributes her accomplishment to her strong work ethic and nurturing environment. Resilience and ambition are interwoven in her story.

Building her legacy is Jordyn’s utmost goal. In her real estate and charitable endeavors, she remains a shining star. She stands out due to her unique blend of genuineness, talent, and comedy. Her talent for juggling her personal and business lives is something her fans really admire.

Even as she continues on her path, Jordyn’s story is captivating. Her ability to juggle professional development with introspection is inspiring. Whether in real estate or elsewhere, Jordyn’s tale never stops changing, providing motivation and curiosity.
